Dear Parents, love your children's teeth!
It can sometimes be a struggle getting your child or children to pay the right amount of time and attention to brushing their teeth. When it falls to children finally brushing their own teeth, it can be hard to motivate them to do it properly by their own accord. We're here to help by giving you a number of ways to help your child enjoy and look forward to brushing their teeth. This is most important if you want to put in place a behaviour that will be with your child for the rest of their life, and to look after their present and upcoming teeth for the good of their own health.
The first thing you need to do is put in place a routine for your child, so fit in toothbrushing in the morning and evening at the same time each day within the routine you already have for them. Make sure you keep up the routine so your child feels safe and can predict it. You must make sure that you brush your teeth just as much and show your child that you are practicing what you preach! Furthermore after your child has brushed their teeth, it really helps to positively reinforce their behaviour as it will encourage them to continue to practice good oral hygiene and makes them feel good about what they've done!

Remember to let your child slowly brush their own teeth and give them some autonomy. It will make them feel more in charge of their life and decisions and once a routine or behaviour becomes a child's own they're more likely to continue this behaviour without the overview of a parent (once you're confident they will brush for long enough and properly without your supervision and over a certain age)
Another factor that you can think about is the toothbrush and toothpaste you use. Get your child's input of what they prefer in terms of smell, shape or taste. Anything that can make the brushing preferable to them is a good thing. Think about it, even for yourself you have preferences, so why should you deny this choice to your children? It will give them good memories of oral health and how they feel about it.
If you have anymore questions or want any more specific blog posts please do comment or contact us! As for now, enjoy every moment you spend with your child, including when you share the moment of brushing your teeth together.
Pippasha Khan
KCL Smile Soc